How to create Discussion App with spring boot

Here's a high-level overview of the steps you'll need to follow:

  1. Set up your development environment: Install and configure the necessary tools and frameworks to develop a Spring Boot backend and a Vue.js frontend.

  2. Design the data model: Determine the data model you'll need to implement to support user registration, post creation, scheduling, commenting, and notifications.

  3. Create the backend: Implement the Spring Boot backend, including the necessary REST API endpoints and database interactions.

  4. Create the frontend: Implement the Vue.js frontend, including the necessary components, views, and API interactions.

  5. Test and deploy: Test your application and deploy it to a production environment.

Here are some more detailed steps:

  1. Set up your development environment:
  • Install Java, Spring Boot, and your preferred IDE (such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse).

  • Install Node.js and Vue CLI to set up the Vue.js frontend.

  1. Design the data model:
  • Determine the entities you'll need to represent in your application, such as users, posts, comments, and notifications.

  • Define the relationships between these entities, such as a post belonging to a user, a comment belonging to a post, and a notification being sent to a user.

  1. Create the backend:
  • Implement the necessary REST API endpoints for user registration, post creation, scheduling, commenting, and notifications.

  • Use Spring Data JPA to interact with a database to store and retrieve data.

  1. Create the frontend:
  • Implement the necessary components, views, and API interactions using Vue.js.

  • Use Axios to make HTTP requests to the Spring Boot backend.

  1. Test and deploy:
  • Test your application to ensure that it works as expected.

  • Deploy your application to a production environment, such as Heroku or AWS.

Here are some specific features you'll need to implement:

  • User registration: Allow users to create an account and log in to your application.

  • Post creation: Allow registered users to create a new post, including the option to schedule it for later.

  • Commenting: Allow users to add comments to existing posts and reply to other users' comments.

  • Notifications: Implement a notification system that sends notifications to users when a new post is created or when someone comments on their posts.

    Sure, here's an example of how you could design your database schema:

    1. User Table
  • id (Primary Key)

  • username (Unique)

  • email (Unique)

  • password

  • created_at

  1. Post Table
  • id (Primary Key)

  • user_id (Foreign Key to User Table)

  • title

  • content

  • scheduled_at

  • created_at

  1. Comment Table
  • id (Primary Key)

  • user_id (Foreign Key to User Table)

  • post_id (Foreign Key to Post Table)

  • parent_comment_id (Foreign Key to Comment Table, optional)

  • content

  • created_at

  1. Notification Table
  • id (Primary Key)

  • user_id (Foreign Key to User Table)

  • type (Enum: "Post", "Comment")

  • target_id (Foreign Key to Post or Comment Table)

  • created_at

This schema includes four tables: User, Post, Comment, and Notification.

The User table stores information about registered users, including their username, email, password, and creation date.

The Post table stores information about posts, including the user who created it, the title, content, scheduled time (if any), and creation date.

The Comment table stores information about comments, including the user who created it, the post it belongs to, the parent comment (if any), the content, and the creation date.

The Notification table stores information about notifications, including the user who should receive the notification, the type of the notification (either for a new Post or a new Comment), the ID of the target Post or Comment, and the creation date.